
Monday, June 23, 2014

Lighthouse and Maris Rock in Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Second diving day on this trip in Puerto Princesa. 

Dive #: 250
Date: 14.6.2014
Place: Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Lighthouse
Depth: 31,7m Average: 18,5m
Dive time: 43min
Visibility: 10-12m
Sea temperature: +28C

Bottle: 12L/220bar (air)  Wetsuit: Only shorts and sleeveless  Weight: 5Kg
Camera: Canon PowerShot G15 + Ikelite´s housing  Computer: Suunto Stingray

Dive CenterMoana Dive Center

Our first dive spot was Lighthouse. There is possible to see many different kind of nudibranches.
Moray eel.
Jenkins stingray hiding in the sandy bottom. 
Some kind of small lobster.

Dive #: 251
Date: 14.6.2014
Place: Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Maris Rock
Depth: 21,6m Average: 14,3m
Dive time: 53min
Visibility: 10-15m
Sea temperature: +28C

Our second dive spot was Maris Rock. There is always possible the see something interesting. Also on this time like this ghost pipefish family.
Some kind of nudibranch.
Big yellow frogfish.
Very small bygmi seahorse. The size is only about 1,5cm. 
Cuttle fishes are real alien of the seas. They can change color, shape and even the texture of the skin. It has three hearts, which pump blue blood.
Here interesting documentary of cuttle fishes. It´s really not a "normal" fish. 

Dive in Maris Rock was again interesting. I don´t remember to seen ghost pipefishes before. 

Regards from Manila,

Putul and Crossing in Puerto Princesa, Philippines

I had a weekend trip from Manila to Puerto Princesa and I dived there two days. Here is something from the first diving day.

Dive #: 248
Date: 13.6.2014
Place: Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Putul
Depth: 28,6m Average: 20,7m
Dive time: 38min
Visibility: 20m
Sea temperature: +28C

Bottle: 12L/220bar (air)  Wetsuit: Only shorts and sleeveless  Weight: 5Kg
Camera: Canon PowerShot G15 + Ikelite´s housing  Computer: Suunto Stingray

Dive Center: Moana Dive Center

On our first dive in Putul we saw something new what I haven´t seen before. It was cow tail stingray.
It was quite big one. 
I have dived in Putul many times, but I have never seen there sharks. This time we saw two whitetip reef sharks.
Same shark before it disappeared.

Dive #: 249
Date: 13.6.2014
Place: Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Crossing
Depth: 20,4m Average: 15,8m
Dive time: 42min
Visibility: 25m
Sea temperature: +28C

Our second dive spot was Crossing. Nudibranch.
Small fishes on the reef.
Clownfish try to hide.
Some kind of sea worm.
There are always big school of fish in Crossing. One common spice is grant fishes.
I have dived in the both places many times and I know the dive spots already quite well. Anyway cow tail stingray and shark was nice surprise this time. 

Regards from Manila,