
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Diving day in Mactan area in Cebu, Philippines

I had a diving day with the friends in Mactan Island area near Cebu. We did a three dives. Divers: Mikko H., Mikko R., and Petri, who was also our dive guide/instructor.

Dive #: 231
Date: 5.1.2013
Place: Philippines, Cebu, Mactan, Hilutungan
Depth: 21,6m Average: 10,9m
Dive time: 43min
Visibility: 20m
Sea Temperature: +29C

Bottle: 12L/200bar (air) Wetsuit: No wetsuit, shorts + sleeveless Weight: 5Kg

Dive Center: Scuba Haven
Price: Special price for the friends (3 dives)

Diving gears to the boat and to the sea. From the left: Mikko R., Mikko H., Petri and me on the back.
Our first dive spot was Hilutungan Island.
There was a lot of spade fishes. Some of them are very curious and come very close.
Fishes and corals on the wall. 
Petri taking some photos. 
Diaconal banded sweetlips.
That´s me on the wall.
During the first dive we saw also titan triggers, anemones and a lot of different reef fishes.

Dive #: 232
Date: 5.1.2013
Place: Philippines, Cebu, Mactan, Nalusuan Island
Depth: 17,6m Average: 9,4m
Dive time: 57min
Visibility: 20-25m
Sea Temperature: +29C

Bottle: 12L/200bar (air) Wetsuit: No wetsuit, shorts + sleeveless Weight: 5Kg

Our second dive spot was Nalusuan Resort Island. We jumped to water near the pier.
There was a lot of black spotted snappers under the pier building. 
 School of black spoted snappers near the pier.
Blue-spotted stingray. If you look closer you can see this one was lost her tail.
Big grouper on the cleaning station mouth open.
 Blue-spotted stingray with the blue-streak cleaner wrasses.
"Nemos" or Clark´s anemones posing. 
Same "Nemos" again. 
More stingrays.
Second dive was quite shallow, but also quite interesting. Especially under the pier we saw so many fishes. Also later on the dive it was create to see  many stingrays. 

Dive #: 233
Date: 5.1.2013
Place: Philippines, Cebu, Mactan, Olango Island, Talima
Depth: 21,3m Average: 14,6m
Dive time: 44min
Visibility: 15-20m
Sea Temperature: +29C

Bottle: 12L/200bar (air) Wetsuit: No wetsuit, shorts + sleeveless Weight: 5Kg

Our third and last dive spot was Talima. In practice it means deep walls, wooden wreck and lots of fish.

Here Petri diving on the wall.
Wooden wreck has already seen the best days. 
Wreck closer.
There are always a lot of fishes near the wreck. Here diaconal banded sweetlips. 
One sweetlips closer.
Fan coral and barrel sponge.
White eye moray eel ready to attack.
I was taking photo from some coral and suddenly I saw somebody is stearing me very close. It was this guy.
I have dived ones before in Talima about 6 months ago. There are always so many fishes especially near the wreck. 

It was great to dive in Cebu area again especially with the good friends. There are always lots of manine life. If you want to dive near Mactan just contact to Petri.
